Our Promise FAQs

It is our commitment to the quality of our products and you. We believe our products will be enjoyed by all our customers and if for any reason you don’t enjoy your collagen water, we will take back any unused products. All you have to do is inform us within 30 days of the delivery date.

You can send back any unopened items. It is your responsibility to get them back to us in saleable condition and that means they cannot have damaged cans or any labels or cosmetic marks on the cans. We charge £4.95 for the return shipping label and you can request this by logging on to your account. We will refund you for the unopened items. For example if you have purchased a pack of 24 and consumed 12, we would refund you for the 12 that you send back. 

Once we have received the goods back at our warehouse they will be checked for damage. If they are in saleable condition we will then process the refund within 3 working days. It can often take a few days for your back to process the refund into your account so please allow for this.

It is your responsibility to pack the goods adequately for return and due to the weight of water we strongly recommend you use protective packaging and a double walled card box. If any of the items are damaged then they will be photographed by our warehouse and one of our team will inform you by email before processing the refund. The refund will be for the items that are in saleable condition and not the damaged items. If you would like any damaged items sent back to you we are happy to do this for the standard delivery charge of £4.95.